Sometimes another diamond, is trapped inside the diamond.

Internal diamond crystals are small diamond inclusions or crystals that are enclosed within a larger diamond. These internal diamond crystals can take various forms, and their presence is a common characteristic in many diamonds.

Here are a few key points about internal diamond crystals:

Nature of Inclusions: Internal diamond crystals are typically tiny diamond fragments or crystals that were present in the diamond-forming environment when the host diamond was growing. These internal crystals can vary in size and shape.

Inclusion Types: Internal diamond crystals are a type of inclusion. Inclusions in diamonds can also include non-diamond materials like minerals, other types of crystals, or even gas bubbles.

Impact on Clarity: The presence of internal diamond crystals, like other inclusions, can affect a diamond’s clarity. The size, type, and visibility of these inclusions play a role in determining a diamond’s clarity grade, which is one of the factors used to evaluate a diamond’s overall quality and value.

Grading and Certification: When a diamond is sent to a Internationally recognised gemological laboratory, such as the DCLA, GIA , HRD, AGS or IGI for grading and certification, the presence of internal diamond crystals, as well as other inclusions, is documented in the diamonds grading report.

Visibility: The visibility of internal diamond crystals can vary widely. In some cases, these internal crystals may be barely visible even under magnification, while in other cases, they may be more apparent.

It’s important to note that the presence of internal diamond crystals does not necessarily make a diamond less valuable. The overall beauty and value of a diamond depend on various factors, including the “Four Cs” (carat weight, cut, color, and clarity), as well as the specific characteristics of the inclusions and their impact on the diamond’s appearance.

Sarine Ushers In Era of In-Factory Grading

DiaExpert Sarin

Sarine Technologies has launched a new platform enabling manufacturers to tap its automated grading systems and issue a report in-house to support the needs of jewelers.

The company this week introduced its eGrading innovation via a video campaign on YouTube claiming the concept would “change diamond grading forever.” It allows manufacturers to self-execute third-party grading of the 4Cs — cut, carat weight, color and clarity — along with other personalized parameters required by the jeweler, without having to send the diamond to a grading laboratory.

“We believe the market is moving in this direction and our technology is now mature enough to make that happen,” CEO David Block told Rapaport News in a briefing at Sarine’s innovation center in Hod Hasharon, Israel.

“The digital aspect opens up the possibility to customize the report, which is difficult for a lab to achieve,” Block explained. “Once you grade the diamond at the source, the manufacturer is now responsible for its own destiny.”

The initiative builds on Sarine’s automated grading systems, with the company first announcing its ability to automate the grading of color and clarity, and therefore all the 4Cs, in 2016. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning to assess the grading results of tens of thousands of diamonds to arrive confidently at its color and clarity decision.

Empowering the manufacturer to execute the report enables it to provide a more personalized service to the jeweler. Block believes eGrading will improve efficiency for manufacturers, since they don’t have to send the stone out to the lab, while still using third-party verification. This saves on the time, expense, and opportunity cost of not having the diamond available to sell. And the retailer benefits from being able to tap the right goods from its supplier in a shorter period.

“Diamond grading is still in the Blockbuster days, where I need to send my diamond to the lab and wait for them to finish grading. They decide what goes in first and I get the stone back with certain criteria that are generally not good enough for me as I go out and sell the diamond,” he added, explaining that lab certificates are too generic.

While the retailer might want to emphasize other parameters such as the stone’s fluorescence, or different types of inclusions, among others, Block asserts it is difficult and expensive for the labs to go into the required level of detail.

Market ready

Sarine claims its technology will provide those details as the system evolves, using the same AI machine-learning principles in other parameters as it applies for color and clarity grading.

In that sense, its eGrading program isn’t a finished product, and probably never will be, because Sarine’s systems are constantly evolving and improving, according to Block. “We’re presenting our vision for where the market is heading and we have developed the technology that we believe makes this possible,” he stressed.

The company expects to reach several new milestones in 2020 as it rolls the program out to the market, Block assured, without divulging what those might be.

He believes the industry is more than ready to embrace the cultural change the company is proposing, observing that the “the midstream is very tech-savvy.”

A means to an end

Block also recognized that others may be entering the same space. Representatives from De Beers and the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) joined Block in a panel discussion at the Dubai Diamond Conference in September by asserting that automation of diamond processes will come “sooner than you think.” Each independently stressed that they’re ready to propose a solution.

Sarine is confident it can lead the way in the diamond industry’s “tech revolution,” given that technology is its core competency. Other companies that develop technology are also focused on other areas within the diamond pipeline. Technology, he emphasized, is going to play a big part in bringing about dramatic changes in the diamond industry.

In that spirit, the objective of Sarine’s eGrading initiative is to realign the emphasis currently placed on grading reports, Block added.

“Diamond grading is not a goal in and of itself. Rather, the objective is to help price a diamond and to help source what you’re looking for,” Block said. “We’re looking at how we can improve the process to get to that goal of how to source the diamond. How people source diamonds will change. It’s natural that the industry will shift in this direction.”


HRD Announces new CEO

HRD Director

After a long period of uncertainty, HRD Antwerp is looking to the future with a new and ambitious CEO. Ellen Joncheere, formerly the General Manager at Fremach, will be the new CEO at HRD Antwerp as of January 20th. The current interim CEO, Michel Janssens, will be retiring next summer.

Ellen has worked in a wide range of other sectors, including the automotive industry and environmental services, where she has transformed companies and strengthened their market positions in the face of rapidly changing market situations. She plans to help HRD Antwerp overcome the obstacles currently in its path, as well as prepare the entire organization for the future.

Over the past few years, HRD Antwerp has focused its attention on its core services of certifying polished diamonds, providing professional training and developing technological devices to detect laboratory grown diamonds. This has involved reorganizing its global structure and hierarchy.

HRD Antwerp has diamond grading labs in Antwerp, Istanbul and Mumbai. The company also has representative offices and drop off locations in Dubai, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, Shanghai, Surat and Tel Aviv.

Source: HRD

Labs Refute Claims HPHT Escaping Detection

IIDGR AMS2 synthetic diamonds test

Major gemological laboratories have rebuffed claims that detection machines are failing to spot synthetic diamonds that have undergone irradiation.

In a trade alert last week, Diamond Services argued that the treatment, generally used to alter the color of a stone, can mask the phosphorescence effect when diamonds created using High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT) undergo scanning at room temperature.

While detection machines can often identify HPHT diamonds because they phosphoresce — or glow — under ultra-violet light, certain devices fail to spot some of those stones that have been subject to irradiation, the Hong Kong-based diamond-technology company argued.

However, De Beers and the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) have denied the impact of such a phenomenon on their machines’ ability to sift out HPHT synthetics.

“The International Institute of Diamond Grading and Research (IIDGR) confirms that its instruments AMS2, SYNTHdetect, DiamondView and DiamondSure are all effective at screening HPHT synthetic material which has been irradiated and is tested at room temperature,” the De Beers-owned grading unit said in a statement last week.

“Any business using these devices can have full confidence that any such material will be detected without the need to undertake tests at different temperatures,” it added.

Meanwhile, although detection devices based on phosphorescence may not be able to detect some HPHT-grown irradiated synthetics, the GIA’s machines can spot them, the Carlsbad, California-headquartered laboratory stressed.

“The ability of the instruments that GIA uses to differentiate natural diamonds from HPHT and CVD [chemical vapor deposition]-grown synthetic diamonds, including the GIA iD100 gem-testing device and the GIA Melee Analysis Service, is not affected by irradiation treatment,” the GIA told Rapaport News.

Examining diamonds at the temperature of liquid nitrogen can be an extremely accurate method of detecting synthetics, while a technique called Raman spectroscopy is a simple way of spotting irradiated diamonds, according to Joseph Kuzi, founder and president of Diamond Services.

“Our latest findings indicate that the diamond and jewelry trades should show extra caution, but we do not claim that irradiated HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds are undetectable,” Kuzi said.
