Mined diamond compared to laboratory grown diamond

Mined Diamond and laboratory grown diamond

Diamonds have long been a symbol of love, luxury, and status. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in the production of laboratory-grown diamonds as a more ethical and sustainable alternative to mined diamonds. In this article, we will explore the differences between a mined diamond and a laboratory-grown diamond.

Mined Diamonds:

Mined diamonds are formed naturally over millions of years deep beneath the earth’s surface. These diamonds are found in mines, usually in remote locations, and are extracted using heavy machinery and explosives. The mining process is often associated with negative environmental and social impacts, such as habitat destruction, water pollution, and exploitation of workers.

Mined diamonds are valued for their rarity and unique characteristics. The quality of a diamond is determined by the 4Cs – cut, clarity, carat weight, and colour. The more perfect a diamond is in each of these categories, the more valuable it is considered to be.

Laboratory-grown Diamonds:

Laboratory-grown diamonds are created using advanced technological processes that mimic the natural formation of diamonds. These diamonds are produced in a laboratory environment, where conditions are controlled and monitored to ensure consistent quality and purity.

The process of creating a laboratory-grown diamond involves using a small diamond seed, which is placed in a chamber and exposed to extreme heat and pressure. Over a period of weeks, carbon atoms are deposited onto the seed, gradually building up the crystal structure of the diamond.

The resulting laboratory-grown diamond is physically and chemically identical to a mined diamond, and can be graded using the same 4Cs criteria.

Differences between Mined Diamonds and Laboratory-grown Diamonds:

Mined diamonds and laboratory-grown diamonds have very similar chemical properties, as they are both made of pure carbon atoms arranged in a crystalline structure. However, there are some subtle differences in the impurities and defects that can be present in each type of diamond.

Mined diamonds can contain trace elements such as nitrogen, boron, and hydrogen, which can affect the diamond’s colour and other properties. Laboratory-grown diamonds can also contain these impurities, but they can be controlled more precisely during the growth process to produce diamonds with specific colours and properties.

One key difference between mined and laboratory-grown diamonds is the presence of defects in the crystal structure. Mined diamonds can contain defects such as vacancies, dislocations, and impurity atoms, which can affect the diamond’s hardness and other physical properties. Laboratory-grown diamonds are typically more pure and have fewer defects, which can make them more consistent in their properties and easier to work with for industrial and scientific applications.

In terms of their chemical composition, both mined and laboratory-grown diamonds are made of pure carbon, with each carbon atom bonded to four neighboring carbon atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. This gives diamonds their unique hardness and other physical properties, as well as their optical properties such as high refractive index and dispersion.

Overall, while there are some subtle differences in the impurities and defects that can be present in mined and laboratory-grown diamonds, they are both essentially the same material in terms of their chemical properties.

One of the key differences between mined diamonds and laboratory-grown diamonds is their origin. Mined diamonds are natural, formed over millions of years in the earth’s mantle. Laboratory-grown diamonds, on the other hand, are created using advanced technological processes in a laboratory.

Another difference is the environmental and social impact of the two types of diamonds. Mined diamonds are often associated with negative environmental and social impacts, such as habitat destruction, water pollution, and exploitation of workers. Laboratory-grown diamonds, on the other hand, are generally considered to be more sustainable and ethical, as they do not involve the same level of environmental destruction or human exploitation.

Finally, there is a difference in price between mined diamonds and laboratory-grown diamonds. Mined diamonds are generally more expensive, due to their rarity and the high costs associated with mining and extraction. Laboratory-grown diamonds, on the other hand, are often less expensive, as they can be produced in larger quantities and do not require the same level of mining and extraction.


Mined diamonds and laboratory-grown diamonds both have their pros and cons. While mined diamonds are valued for their rarity and unique characteristics, they are often associated with negative environmental and social impacts. Laboratory-grown diamonds, on the other hand, are more sustainable and ethical, but may be less valuable due to their artificial origin. Ultimately, the choice between a mined diamond and a laboratory-grown diamond comes down to personal values and priorities.

Source: Certin Diamond Insurance company

Natural Diamond Council makes marketing push

Natural Diamond Council

The Diamond Producers’ Association (DPA), established only five years ago by a coalition of diamond miners including De Beers and Alrosa, has relaunched as the Natural Diamond Council.

In addition to continuing to advertise natural diamonds as the DPA did previously, the council is also hoping to reach younger consumers by producing catchy editorial content on trends and innovations in diamond jewelry and the heritage of natural diamonds.

The rebranding comes at a difficult time for the diamond sector, with the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic depressing demand and prices.

“The current economic climate creates unprecedented challenges for the luxury industry. But, as the climate improves, natural diamonds will connect stronger than ever before,” said Natural Diamond Council CEO, David Kellie in a release. “Consumers will have a greater respect for all things natural and seek brands that have an honest mission to be truly sustainable. They’ll be purchasing luxury goods with a greater meaning, particularly those celebrating connections between friends and loved ones. We need to speak to the younger audience in a different way and we’re delighted to have brought in a number of partners that will contribute to the new world of natural diamonds we’re creating.”

The website will offer coverage under six categories: Epic Diamonds, Hollywood & Pop Culture, Love & Diamonds, Style & Innovation, Diamonds 101 and Inside the Diamond World. The council has also started a new, biannual trend report written by style experts, forecasting diamond jewelry trends, and incorporating styling tips.

In addition, the DPA’s Real is Rare, Real is a Diamond campaign will be replaced with the council’s new branding: “Only Natural Diamonds” (OND).

“Our new digital platforms will inspire and inform consumers globally about the values and heritage of natural diamonds, as well as promoting the significant innovation happening throughout the world of diamond jewelry,” added NDC’s managing director, Kristina Buckley Kayel. “The younger audience is clearly engaged and inspired when we present ourselves with authority in the digital world. It’s our aim to be number one across all digital platforms in our industry and our ambitious plans reflect these goals.”

The Natural Diamond Council will also aim to educate consumers on the sustainability and ethical practices of diamond producers, as well as everything they need to know when buying diamond jewelry.

In a release, the organization said the relaunch reflects the collective commitment of its members, Alrosa, De Beers, Dominion Diamonds, Lucara Diamond, Petra Diamonds, Murowa Diamonds, and Rio Tinto, to the growth of the industry beyond the current economic crisis.

“Our mission is to educate consumers on the industry and positive social contribution diamonds make to the world today,” said Stephen Lussier, Chairman of the NDC. “Our members are committed to these goals and the launch of the NDC marks an exciting step on this path.”

Visit www.naturaldiamonds.com for more information.

Diamond terminology guideline

Diamond terminology guideline

When buying a Natural mined diamond make sure the diamond report has the following clearly at the top of the report.

Natural Diamond
Natural Diamond

Diamond or Natural diamond, Make sure you diamond is natural by looking for the following on the report “Natural Diamond” this refers to the origin and the absence of treatments

Mumbai Exchange Mulls Lifting Synthetics Ban

Bharat Diamond Bourse

Mumbai’s Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB) is considering allowing synthetic-diamond trading on the exchange premises, its president told Rapaport News.

Some members have asked management to reconsider its 2015 ban on selling lab-grown diamonds anywhere in the BDB’s vast office complex, Anoop Mehta said this week. The bourse will consult with members after the Diwali vacation season, and could call a vote in the first quarter of next year, he added.

“One of the prime reasons [for outlawing lab-grown diamonds] was that detection was a major problem at that time,” Mehta explained. “Detection has come a long way, so we will relook at it.”

Most diamantaires are unlikely to back the change as it would damage their business, according to a trader at a member company, who was not aware that the matter was on the table.

The bourse expects to brief members in informal meetings in December once traders have returned from Diwali, Mehta said. It will also use those events to discuss the issues and ensure voters make an informed decision, he added.

The BDB declared the bourse a “natural-diamond zone” in October 2015, claiming it was the first exchange to do so.

Which exchanges allow trading in laboratory-grown diamonds?

Antwerp’s bourses admit companies that trade synthetics, provided that they give full product disclosure.

Dubai: The Dubai Diamond Exchange doesn’t track whether traders are dealing in natural or lab-grown diamonds, but members must comply with its bylaws and make appropriate disclosures.

Hong Kong: The Diamond Federation of Hong Kong, China, does not currently admit lab-grown-diamond companies to its membership.

India: The Bharat Diamond Bourse banned synthetics from the entire complex in 2015, and is now considering requests to change that.

Israel: Members can’t deal in synthetics on the Israel Diamond Exchange trading floor, but the rule doesn’t apply to offices in the bourse building.

US: The Diamond Dealers Club of New York had not confirmed its policy to Rapaport News at press time.

Sources: Bourse and organization spokespeople