Most Expensive Coloured Diamonds

Fancy colour diamonds


The 9.75 carat Zoe Diamond which sold for more than $32 million.

Zoe Diamond

Zoe Diamond


5.03 carats Aurora Green sold for $16.8 million

Aurora Green


14.82 carat pear shaped Orange diamond sold for more than $35 million.

Orange Teardrop

The Orange


The 1.56 carat Fancy Red Phoenix diamond sold for $2 million

Phoenix diamond


59.60 carat Pink Star $71.2 million

Pink Star

Pink Star


Vivid Yellow 100.09 carat sold for $16.3 million.

Graff Vivid Yellow

Graff Vivid Yellow

Pink diamonds deliver strong results for Rio

Argyle Avenoir 1.07 carat Fancy Red, oval cut diamond.

Rio Tinto announced that its 2019 Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender collection of 64 rare pink and red diamonds saw double digit growth in the number of bids, with successful bidders hailing from nine countries.

The rocks were mined from the company’s Argyle mine in Western Australia and the collection is the 35th Tender since the operation became commercially active in 1983.

“Whilst bids and total values remain confidential, Lot 1, Argyle Enigma, the most valuable diamond in the collection, was won by Australian based Argyle Pink Diamonds partner Blue Star & Kiven Diamonds. Blue Star & Kiven Diamonds also won Lot 4, Argyle Verity,” Rio Tinto revealed.

According to Ron Kiven, director of Blue Star & Kiven Diamonds, no other diamonds on Earth match the rarity and provenance of Argyle pink diamonds.

“To have acquired two of the last Argyle pink diamonds to ever be unearthed, and one of the few Fancy Red Argyle diamonds in existence is the ultimate privilege,” Kiven said in a media statement.

Rio Tinto’s Argyle mine, located in the far north of Western Australia, produces virtually the world’s entire supply of pink, red and violet diamonds.

The mine, however, is scheduled to close in 2020 after almost four decades of production.
