Diamond Producers Association launches India operations

Diamond Producers Association

The Diamond Producers Association announced the launch of their operations in the country to build confidence among consumers.

India polishes 85 90 percent of the diamonds today accounts for only seven  percent of the global polished diamond consumption. DPA believe this is a huge opportunity to build the India market by promoting the integrity and reputation of diamonds and ensuring the sustainability of the industry.

DPA has reached out to 3,000 retailers and will offer training and education in diamonds.  DPA will expand training across the country.

The DPA is an alliance between ALROSA, De Beers, Dominion Diamond, Gem Diamonds, Lucara Diamond, Petra Diamonds and Rio Tinto. These are the leading diamond miners globally. Which together produce over 75 percent of the world’s rough diamond production.

DPA is also working with the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council to build trade relationships and best trade practices.